OK, You've made some poor choices over your lifetime. It's time to let them go... all the thoughts about what you should have done, said or been. It's gone. We CANNOT change the past. Move forward into the future free. Don't you think it's time to let go of the chains you've placed upon yourself?
Most of us Women will easily and happily spend time and money on others without a second thought. What about you? Where do you fit in, in the scale of things?. Sweetheart you put everyone else first and... well you know what happens. Do one thing that you feel special about... spa, read a book, get a massage. whatever floats your boat.
3. SAY NO!
Stop being a people pleaser. Do you still worry about what others think about you? Set up some boundaries. Do the things you want to do... say no to the rest.
Where do you see yourself in 1 year, 2 years, 10 years? Make a conscious effort to think about where you want to be, then start making your decisions based on whether those things fit in. Your future vision should guide you and help you to plan out the things that feel good or not based on the path you're heading in. If you get a job offer or a new Man comes into your life... ask yourself... do you fit in with ME and my vision?
YOU ARE THE GURU. You have all the answers. Listen to what your gut is telling you. It's simple really - if you feel yuk.. run the other way. If it feels right... keep doing whatever it is you're doing. If I had $1 for every time a girlfriends said "it felt off" or "something didn't feel right" BUT they stayed in the situation... hmmm trust yourselves ladies.
Fi x